Category: Prevention
Q & A: Commitment to Hazing Prevention at Humboldt State University
June 22, 2021 When we launched the Campus Commitment to Hazing Prevention: Action Guide in partnership with the Clery Center late last month, we heard from leaders about their campus’ commitment to hazing prevention. Keep reading to learn more about Humboldt State University’s commitment to hazing prevention from Vice President of Enrollment Management, Dr. Jason L. Meriwether. 1. What are… Continue reading »
SNAP: Student Network for Advocacy and Prevention
SNAP: Student Network for Advocacy and Prevention Announcing – SNAP! StopHazing’s Student Network for Advocacy and Prevention (SNAP) is a student-led group dedicated to hazing prevention education and advocating for its comprehensive prevention. This group consists of student-leaders at all levels, working together to #StopHazing in their communities, schools, and campuses across the U.S. and… Continue reading »
Q & A: Commitment to Hazing Prevention at the University of Texas at Austin
When we launched the Campus Commitment to Hazing Prevention: Action Guide in partnership with the Clery Center late last month, we heard from leaders about their campus’ commitment to hazing prevention. Keep reading to learn more about the University of Texas at Austin’s commitment to hazing prevention from Associate Vice President of Student Life, Doug… Continue reading »
Advocating for Policies that Prioritize the Safety of College Students
January 28, 2021 As a continued collaborator with the Clery Center and an organization advocating for stronger policies to keep students safe, StopHazing urges you to read the following blog post to understand what’s on the horizon for campus safety and hazing prevention legislation. Blog post published by the Clery Center: “Never has the passing… Continue reading »
Baruch College Hazing
The following post was written by Colin Schlank, StopHazing Social Media Intern. Colin is a recent graduate from the University of Connecticut. In December 2013, Chun ‘Michael’ Deng passed away, the result of a fraternity hazing ritual. During a weekend retreat to the Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania, brothers from the chapter blindfolded Deng and ordered… Continue reading »
Hazing on School Campuses: What Parents and Students Need To Know
The following resource was originally written by Michelle Chaney, M.D., MScPH for The Clay Center for Young Healthy Minds at The Massachusetts General Hospital. Despite the illegalization of hazing in 44 states and the implementation of anti-hazing efforts on school campuses across the U.S., these high risk and oftentimes life-threatening practices continue not only in Greek life… Continue reading »
National Hazing Prevention Week Spotlight: University of Central Florida
To celebrate National Hazing Prevention Week, we’re highlighting the efforts of some of the institutions participating in the Hazing Prevention Consortium. We begin with the University of Central Florida. For the students, staff, and administrators that make up the hazing prevention coalition at the University of Central Florida (UCF), the activities of National Hazing Prevention… Continue reading »
“We Don’t Haze” Documentary and Prevention Resources Now Available
StopHazing worked with The Clery Center to develop “We Don’t Haze,” a 17-minute documentary to promote hazing prevention on college campuses. The documentary shares the perspectives of those who have had their lives impacted by hazing and touches on key themes related to hazing prevention such as examples of hazing, how to recognize hazing behaviors, and alternatives to hazing. In… Continue reading »
Black Bear Attack Raises Money For StopHazing
On Saturday, October 4th, The University of Maine Student Wellness Resource Center hosted the 4th annual “Black Bear Attack” adventure race. In total, over 350 students, parents, and community members from throughout the greater Orono area took part in the 3.5 mile race to benefit StopHazing, raising over $1,200. A video and write up about… Continue reading »
Dr. Elizabeth Allan Presents at 2014 Federal Bullying Prevention Summit
StopHazing co-founder Dr. Elizabeth Allan recently gave a presentation at the 2014 Federal Bullying Prevention Summit, an event that brought together over 600 individuals, both in-person and online, to share and discuss issues pertaining to bullying in the United States. A common theme that emerged throughout the course of the conference was the importance of… Continue reading »