StopHazing Research Lab
An engine for multidisciplinary collaboration, the lab is a virtual hub to connect experienced researchers, developing scholars, and students, to investigate key questions to inform a developing knowledge base about hazing and its prevention. With longstanding support from the University of Maine’s Hazing Prevention Research Lab, the lab publishes findings in research journals and shares implications for policy and practice.
A Groundbreaking National Hazing Study
Dating back to the national study, Hazing in View: College Students at Risk, (2008), Dr. Allan and colleagues have helped blaze a trail for systematic data collection about hazing. Building on this foundation, the StopHazing team continues to design and implement studies seeking to illuminate the nature and extent of hazing and effective strategies for its prevention in a range of settings including colleges and universities, high schools, and the military.
Research-to-Practice Philosophy
Our work is grounded in a research-to-practice philosophy that emphasizes partnerships with practitioners and the production of knowledge with real-world applicability. Framed by a critical theoretical approach, we strive to view the complexity and power dynamics of hazing within the larger social context in which it occurs. Our investigations are change-oriented and also consider the intersections of hazing and other issues that impact school, campus, and workplace climate.
Practitioners and Scholars
Elizabeth Allan, Director of the StopHazing Research Lab, and Professor of Higher Education in the College of Education and Human Development at the University of Maine has been involved with research related to hazing and its prevention for more than a decade. Previously, she worked in Student Affairs roles where she led a range of hazing prevention efforts including the development of a peer education program, a hotline, leadership trainings, and spearheaded the passage of state law prohibiting hazing.
Prioritizing collaboration and a research-to-practice approach, Dr. Allan’s work as a practitioner informs her scholarship today. Producing peer-reviewed journal publications is important for contributing to a base of knowledge grounded in empirical studies and rigorous research. At the same time, translating scientific research-to-practice is vital for sharing findings with practitioners who can apply the research “on the ground,” provide a feedback loop, and expedite the pace of change.
Dave Kerschner, Post-Doctoral Fellow for Research and Evaluation for StopHazing specializes in research related to college athletics and Division III athletics in particular.
Graduate Research Collaborators and Interns also play an integral role in the lab. Graduate and undergraduate students have worked alongside lead researchers to assist with data collection and analysis, reviewing the literature, writing, and developing research-based resources for practice.