StopHazing’s mission is to promote safe and inclusive school, campus, and organizational environments through research, resource sharing, and the development of data-driven strategies for hazing prevention and the promotion of positive and inclusive group climates.
A world free from hazing.
As a research entity dedicated to building a knowledge base to illuminate the nature and extent of hazing and inform effective hazing prevention, StopHazing’s work is grounded in the following values:
- Research to practice: Purposeful and rigorous inquiry to develop an evidence base that expands knowledge and informs practice.
- Collaboration: Mutually beneficial engagement with organizational partners and individuals to achieve common goals.
- Leadership: Taking action for healthy, inclusive, and equitable group and organizational environments.
StopHazing is an organization dedicated to violence prevention and to disrupting ways in which abuses of power are normalized. As such, the dismantling of racism and white supremacy and other forms of oppression is integral to enacting our mission to promote “safe school, campus, and organizational climates. . .” Read our Juneteenth statement and resource list.

Members from the Stop Hazing team, Clery Center, and SAFE Campuses LLC join family advocates in DC to speak to federal legislators and gain support for the Stop Campus Hazing Act (formerly REACH).

Jolayne and Hector Houtz, parents of Sam Martinez, start the Samuel Martinez Hazing Prevention Fund at the University of Maine to support the development of a hazing incident database in partnership with the University of Washington.
2023-d-MSNBC Op-Ed
Dr. Allan writes an op-ed for MSNBC about hazing and sexual assault.
2023-c-HAZING Film

StopHazing partners with God Bless the Child Productions, LLC to develop companion materials and a Viewing Guide to accompany Byron Hurt’s film, HAZING.
2023-b-Devin Joins
Devin Franklin joins the StopHazing team as the Doctoral Research Flagship Fellow!
2023-a-Online Course

StopHazing launches new online hazing prevention course: Stand Up to Hazing
2022-l-Jenny Joins the Team
Jenny Desmond joins the StopHazing team as the Program and Training Specialist!
2022-k-10 Signs Toolkit

In collaboration with One Love, StopHazing released a new resource: 10 Signs of Healthy & Unhealthy Groups: Toolkit
StopHazing hosted a Hazing Prevention Academy, Student Network for Advocacy and Prevention, and Research Roundtable, among other events for National Hazing Prevention Week & National Campus Safety Awareness Month in September.
2022-i-DC Trip (2/sept)
Representatives from StopHazing, Clery Center, and Safe Campuses LLC convened with family advocates in DC for a second round of meetings with representatives and senators to gain support for the REACH Act.
2022-h-OH Anti-Hazing Summit

Dr. Allan gave the keynote address at the Ohio Anti-Hazing Summit in Bowling Green, Ohio.
2022-g-DC Trip

Representatives from StopHazing, Clery Center, and Safe Campuses LLC, along with parent and family advocates traveled to DC to meet with Congress to gain support for the REACH Act.
2022-f-HPC Summit
StopHazing hosted the 2022 HPC Summit for Cohorts 3 and 4 virtually.
StopHazing hosted a Hazing Prevention Academy for campus professionals at institutions across the country.
2022-d-Readiness for Campus HP Publication
Dr. Allan co-authored another new publication, Assessing Readiness for Campus Hazing Prevention, in the Health Education and Behavior journal of the Society for Public Health.
2022-c-ZeroNow Webinar

ZeroNow invited StopHazing representatives as panel guests for a hazing prevention webinar. View it here!

Dr. Allan co-authored a new publication, A Public Health Approach to Preventing Hazing on a University Campus, in the Journal of American College Health.
2022-a-WDH Relaunch
StopHazing & Clery Center relaunched We Don’t Haze with a newly updated We Don’t Haze Companion Guide

StopHazing virtually attended and presented collaborative sessions at the AFA Annual Meeting.

StopHazing launches StopHazing Student Ambassadors, formerly Student Network for Advocacy and Prevention.

StopHazing researchers collaborate with colleagues on a research paper and presentation at ASHE.
2021-k-resources-digital tools

StopHazing staff and interns continue to launch new resources, including digital tools, infographics, workshops, and more.
2021-j-sept events
StopHazing hosted multiple events in support of National Hazing Prevention Week & National Campus Safety Awareness Month in September!
StopHazing launched two brand new programs from the 2021-2022 academic year – the Annual Membership & Webinar Subscription.
2021-g-hpc summit

StopHazing hosts the HPC 2021 Summit virtually for Cohorts 2 & 3.
Dave Kerschner, Ph.D. officially began his new role with the StopHazing team as Post-Doc Fellow for Research & Evaluation!
2021-e1-EA research award
Dr. Elizabeth Allan, StopHazing’s Principal, and Professor of Higher Education and Program Coordinator at the University of Maine is awarded the 2021 Presidential Research and Creative Achievement Award.

StopHazing virtually attended and presented two sessions at NASPA Annual. 1) Building a Campus Website for Hazing Prevention: Lessons from Research & Practice (see the developed Website Rubric) & 2) Leadership Matters: Fostering Commitment to Campus Hazing Prevention.

StopHazing advocates for evidence-based hazing prevention policy – the REACH Act. Learn more.
2021-c-action guide

The Campus Commitment to Hazing Prevention: Action Guide made in collaboration with Clery Center launched as a collection of resources. Download here.

StopHazing virtually attended and presented at NASPA Strategies.
2021-a-website launch
Redesigned website launched! Read about the project.
Since 2004, more than 40 technical reports related to hazing produced by SH research team.

StopHazing hosts first virtual Hazing Prevention Academy (HPA) in September 2020.
Meredith Stewart, M.Ed., began her new role with StopHazing as Program & Outreach Coordinator in June of 2020.

SH researchers and colleagues were invited to California to help facilitate a 2-day Hazing Prevention Conference for the UC System hosted at UC Riverside.

Dr. Allan, colleagues, and collaborators hosted a day long pre-conference institute for hazing prevention at NASPA Strategies. SH graduate student interns played a significant role in planning and presenting the program.

The third cohort of the HPC is launched. University of Maine is host to the annual HPC Summit.

Dr. Allan with Rasheed Ali Cromwell, Esq., President of The Harbor Institute at the NASPA meeting in Los Angeles, CA.

Dr. Allan with colleagues Lauri Sidelko, and Drs. Joel Perez and Jason Meriwether, presenting about campus hazing prevention at NASPA in March 2019.

Data-driven Hazing Prevention Framework (HPF) is published in the Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice (JSARP).

Dr. Allan serves as a keynote speaker for PUSH (Parents United to Stop Hazing) meeting in CA.

Dr. Allan, Gary and Julie DeVercelly, and Abigail Boyer of the Clery Center, speak at a Congressional Legislative Briefing about policy implications and hazing.

Dr. Allan with Dr. Graham at the State University System of Florida Anti-hazing Summit hosted by the University of Central Florida.

Hazing Prevention Toolkit for Campus Professionals released in collaboration with the Clery Center.
Second cohort of the HPC is launched.

Dr. Allan and colleagues partnered with the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Healthy Students to the American Institutes for Research (AIR) for two hazing prevention webinars.

Dr. Allan testifies at the HELP Committee of the U.S. Senate.
First cohort of the Hazing Prevention Consortium (HPC) is launched with eight universities.

Dr. Allan shares research about hazing at more than 25 national and international education conferences over the next four years.

International Hazing Research Symposium hosted at the University of Maine included Professor and author, Hank Nuwer as a guest contributor.
Hazing in View: High School Students at Risk preliminary findings reported at the American Educational Research Association international meeting.
Hazing in View: College Students at Risk report is officially released with findings from the National Study of Student Hazing – in collaboration with NASPA—Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education’s Annual Meeting.
Data collected from 52 different colleges and universities throughout the U.S.
Pilot study conducted with four universities.
Planning begins for the National Study of Student Hazing. Dr. Allan serves as Principal Investigator. North American Interfraternal Foundation (NIF) spearheads fund-raising efforts for the study.

Dr. Elizabeth Allan authors and co-authors several book chapters about hazing, connections between gender and hazing, and transforming hazing cultures.
StopHazing.org is established as the first website to share information about hazing and its prevention.
The NH law passed and was signed into law by the governor.
Dr. Elizabeth Allan and others at the University of New Hampshire formed an advocacy group to propose an anti-hazing law in NH. The group developed resources, held press conferences and testified at legislative hearings.