HPC Process

The HPC engages campuses in a progression of guided activities over three years that build upon prevention science and the Strategic Prevention Framework. HPC activities progress as follows:
Year One
StopHazing conducts a rigorous assessment of campus culture and hazing climate and coaches campuses to build capacity and cultural competence for hazing prevention and coalition of cross- campus stakeholders to lead hazing prevention efforts
Year Two
Campuses build on Year One assessment and capacity building to maintain strong coalitions to plan, pilot, and evaluate hazing prevention strategies to reach key stakeholders.
Year Three
Campuses continue to sustain their coalitions and use evidence from Year Two to refine prevention strategies and evaluation instruments and focus on sustainability of hazing prevention initiatives.
Launch and Annual HPC Summit
New members meet at the beginning of Year One to learn about each other’s campuses and the HPC. They meet at the close of each year during the Annual HPC Summit in Orono, Maine to compare notes, share lessons learned, and plan for next steps. These meetings generate a close cohort with members who freely consult one another and members of previous cohorts over the course of the project.
HPC Member Responsibilities
- Participation in the Hazing Prevention Consortium for the full 3 year commitment.
- Senior administrators’ commitment through allocation of funding for staff time and budgets to support hazing prevention activities.
- Willingness to implement a hazing prevention coalition that includes representation from diverse stakeholder groups across campus.
- Appointment of a professional staff member to serve as the lead campus liaison to the Consortium.
- Participation of campus liaison in regular phone consultations, webinars, and at Annual HPC Summit meetings.
- If desired, host members of the StopHazing team on campus for several days during Year One site visit to facilitate data collection efforts.
- Willingness to share information about campus hazing prevention efforts with other members of the Consortium.
- Participation in dissemination of project findings within and beyond the Consortium.
Join the Hazing Prevention Consortium
For more information and to join the Hazing Prevention Consortium please contact us.