Category: National Hazing Awareness Week

7 Ways to Participate in National Hazing Awareness Week (NHAW)

Participate in National Hazing Awareness Week 2024! NHAW is right around the corner, and this year, StopHazing is excited to offer a range of impactful events and resources designed to combat hazing and promote a culture of safety and respect on campuses nationwide. From informative webinars to film screenings and new resource releases, we have…  Continue reading »

Ways to Participate in National Hazing Prevention Week 2022

September 19, 2022 Contributing Author: Patricia Santana, Graduate Student Intern It’s officially National Hazing Prevention Week (NHPW) 2022! How are you recognizing this awareness campaign on your campus this year? How are you shedding light on the importance of hazing prevention, discussing the impacts of hazing, and providing ways for your community to engage in…  Continue reading »

StopHazing’s 2021 NCSAM and NHPW Agenda

Mark your calendars – September is National Campus Safety Awareness Month (NCSAM) and National Hazing Prevention Week (NHPW) is September 20-24th this year! RSVP, register, and set reminders now – you don’t want to miss any of it! The following StopHazing programs and resources are sponsored by: United Educators StopHazing’s 2021 Research Summit | Sept.…  Continue reading »

A week dedicated to hazing prevention

The following post for StopHazing was written by Lara Carney, an intern for StopHazing and a fourth year Journalism major at the University of Maine with a double minor in professional and creative writing.  Students, colleges, and communities nationwide banded together the week of September 18 through September 22 to spread the word and recognize…  Continue reading »

National Hazing Prevention Week Spotlight: University of Central Florida

To celebrate National Hazing Prevention Week, we’re highlighting the efforts of some of the institutions participating in the Hazing Prevention Consortium. We begin with the University of Central Florida. For the students, staff, and administrators that make up the hazing prevention coalition at the University of Central Florida (UCF), the activities of National Hazing Prevention…  Continue reading »