Category: Athletics

Dr. Allan writes op-ed for MSNBC about hazing and sexual assault

Dr. Elizabeth Allan, Principal of StopHazing and Professor of Higher Education at the University of Maine College of Education and Human Development, was invited to write an op-ed for MSNBC. Identified as leading researcher on hazing and its prevention, editors requested Dr. Allan’s expertise and knowledge about sexual assault and hazing as allegations and lawsuits…  Continue reading »

Beyond the Letters: The Importance of University-Wide Hazing Prevention

June 27, 2022 Contributing Author: Claire Berman, M.S.Ed. According to the National Survey of Student Hazing, 55% of all students involved in any student organization experience hazing. Hazing has been defined by StopHazing as, any activity that is expected of someone joining or participating in a group that humiliates, degrades, abuses or endangers them, regardless…  Continue reading »

Five Ways We Don’t Haze Can Impact Your Campus

Feb. 2, 2022 | StopHazing & Clery Center Although 2022 just began, national headlines continue to highlight the realities and dangers of hazing within our campus communities. Institutions nationwide have banned student organizations for hazing practices, students have been suspended for engaging in hazing, and lawsuits have been filed against campuses from students or families…  Continue reading »

Major League Soccer fans speak out against hazing

Yesterday, the Vancouver Whitecaps, a Major League Soccer (MLS) team, shared three photos of first-year players Jackson Farmer and Mitch Piraux on social media. These photos depicted the 19-year old, team residency program graduates with embarrassing haircuts and featured the caption “Be glad you’re not a rookie. #rookiehaircuts #vwfc”. Major League Soccer, an organization that…  Continue reading »

Sayreville High School Fires Football Coach In Wake of Hazing Incidents

According to’s Vernal Coleman, Sayreville High School has fired football coach George Najjar in the wake of the hazing and sexual assault incidents that came to light last October. According to reports, four separate hazing incidents where underclassmen were sexually assaulted occurred in a 10-day span in the team’s locker room last September. According…  Continue reading »

Los Angeles Lakers Encourage Sexist Hazing

One of the popular media narratives surrounding the 2013 Miami Dolphins hazing scandal was that, moving forward, American professional sports teams would take notice of hazing and seek to stop it. Unfortunately, as we’ve noted before, this has not been the case. In fact, numerous NFL and MLB players have experienced hazing in the months…  Continue reading »

Major League Baseball Teams Continue Hazing

One would have thought that in the aftermath of the Miami Dolphins hazing scandal, North American professional sports teams would take strict measures to enforce a zero tolerance policy towards hazing. This, however, hasn’t been the case in the NFL, with numerous examples of hazing incidents occurring over the past summer. NFL player Zach Hocker,…  Continue reading »