
Major League Baseball Teams Continue Hazing

One would have thought that in the aftermath of the Miami Dolphins hazing scandal, North American professional sports teams would take strict measures to enforce a zero tolerance policy towards hazing. This, however, hasn’t been the case in the NFL, with numerous examples of hazing incidents occurring over the past summer. NFL player Zach Hocker,…  Continue reading »

Hazed and Confused Ice Cream? We’re Not Buying It

The following post for StopHazing was written by author and anti-hazing activist Hank Nuwer. For more information on Hank, check out his website at We’ve heard about the latest scoop from Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. And we flatout don’t like the way the ice cream giant has come up with a new flavor…  Continue reading »

Dr. Elizabeth Allan Presents at 2014 Federal Bullying Prevention Summit

StopHazing co-founder Dr. Elizabeth Allan recently gave a presentation at the 2014 Federal Bullying Prevention Summit, an event that brought together over 600 individuals, both in-person and online, to share and discuss issues pertaining to bullying in the United States. A common theme that emerged throughout the course of the conference was the importance of…  Continue reading »