Digital Tools & Downloads

StopHazing has developed the following digital tools and resources for you to download, access, post, and share broadly on your social media channels, across campuses and schools, and beyond.

What is Hazing? – Infographic

This infographic has two options for download – 1) customize this version with your institution or school information and then download, or 2) simply download a general campus version without customizing.

Option 1 – to be customized

what is hazing infographic to tailor

To customize ‘Campus Resources’ section of this infographic, click the image or button above and create an account or login to Canva – then insert your campus-specific information.

Option 2 – general

what is hazing infographic

Social Media Campaign Graphics & Toolkit

Use these ready-to-use social media graphics to post on your own channels and accounts to raise awareness about hazing and its prevention.

We also have a 1-pager with guidance on how to post these.

Social Media Toolkit

This social media toolkit includes additional graphics, memes, captions, stories, and more to further amplify your media content.

This toolkit includes:

  • Social media campaign posts with draft captions
  • Story posts
  • Memes

Please tag StopHazing on social media and use the hashtag #StopHazing when you post and share our posts and resources!

Don’t Wait, Act Now: Five Steps for Safe and Effective Bystander Intervention – Infographic

This resource, developed with Clery Center, outlines the five key steps for bystander intervention.

Red Flags of Hazing – Infographic

This infographic highlights the ‘red flags’ or potential warning signs of someone experiencing hazing.

Hazing vs. Bullying – Infographic

This infographic explains the similarities and differences of hazing and bullying.

You can also read more about the intersection of hazing and bullying here.

Joining a club, team, or organization? Questions to Ask! – Infographic

This infographic shares questions to ask yourself or in conversation before joining a group. It also includes tips and other consideration to be aware of before diving into a group.

Residence Life – Infographics

Res Life – Staff

Res Life – RAs

Questions? Contact for more information.