Hazing Climate & Campus Culture Assessment©™

Hazing Climate & Campus Culture Assessment©™ (Basic Assessment) Designed to provide a preliminary assessment of hazing climate and inform comprehensive planning for hazing prevention. Consulting includes a site visit by StopHazing researchers to:
- Meet with designated personnel to describe a comprehensive approach to hazing prevention and discuss goals related to hazing prevention.
- Collect assessment data through interviews and/or focus groups.
- Meet with organization leaders to share a preliminary assessment of the campus, school, or organization hazing climate.

Hazing Climate & Campus Culture Assessment©™ Report (Basic Assessment + Report) Members of the StopHazing team conduct in-depth analysis of data from interviews and focus groups. Common themes and key issues related to campus climate and hazing will be presented in a written report that includes recommendations for future hazing prevention efforts.

Hazing Climate & Campus Culture Assessment™ Consultation (Basic Assessment + Report + Follow up Consult) Members of the StopHazing researchers meet with designated personnel to discuss findings and recommendations from climate assessment.

Follow-up Technical Assistance – Follow-up conference calls to provide strategic and research-informed support for the implementation of recommendations from the climate report.