We Don’t Haze Documentary

The National Study of Student Hazing reports that 55% of college students involved in clubs, teams, and organizations experience hazing. In an effort to bring awareness to this topic, Clery Center and StopHazing partnered with Gary & Julie DeVercelly and students, other parents, and educators to create We Don’t Haze, an award-winning documentary.
In this short film, families and victims of hazing testify to the true impact these so-called “traditions” have on campus communities. We take a deeper look at the causes and consequences of hazing and speak to leaders who have pledged to help end these practices.
We Don’t Haze helps identify hazing behaviors, and offers organization leaders alternative traditions that promote a safer, more positive team-building experience.
Updated in 2022, the We Don’t Haze Companion Guide provides you with the tools to educate yourself and your community about campus hazing and facilitate programming for students, staff, and faculty using We Don’t Haze.
The We Don’t Haze Companion Guide includes:
- A Prevention Brief highlighting what research teaches us about hazing on campus and emerging evidence-driven strategies for hazing prevention;
- A Discussion Guide for Students and a Discussion Guide for Faculty/Staff to use in tandem with We Don’t Haze;
- A Bystander Intervention Guide with strategies for intervening against hazing; and
- A Workshop and Activity Guide for optional activities to incorporate into We Don’t Haze Programming.